Making connections for causes.

We build, manage and promote websites for causes
that are working to make a positive difference in
lives of others.


Hi there! I’m Dylan, a web developer and founder of Cause Websites.

I believe that within each one of us there is a dream for what we are here to do with our life; a cause that is rooted in a spirit of service and helping others.

My dream has always been centered on humanitarian activities that lift people out of extreme poverty and meet the basic needs we all have as human beings.

In 2005 I began to learn how to write code and build websites. I loved the way I could take an idea for something I thought would make a positive difference in the world and see it visualized in the form of a website. As I would build a website, I would see that idea grow through the development process in ways I hadn’t imagined when it was only in my head. I then discovered the power of a website to connect with others around the world who shared an interest in what I was visualizing and creating.

In 2007 I started receiving job offers and began working in the corporate world as a web consultant, graphic designer and online media producer. I liked what I did, but I felt like something was missing in why I did it. I found that I was working for the paycheck, rather than the simple joy of serving others. That discovery profoundly changed the philosophy behind my work, and in 2010 I decided to leave the corporate world and simply offer my abilities to people and causes I believe are making the world a better place.

If you have a non-profit organization or an idea for a cause that you believe makes the world a better place, please contact us at to discuss getting started.

It would be my honor to serve you,
Dylan Raines

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